The Damm Good Marketing Podcast


Content Marketing: Expectations vs. Reality

Ever wondered if social media is evolving faster than you can keep up? Is marketing changing, or are business owners overwhelmed by the pace of change? Let's talk it out.

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Should I Start a Podcast?

Thinking of Starting a Podcast? The allure of this shiny new toy has captivated everyone, but it's serious business.

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Who Approved That Ad?

We've seen our fair share of ads that make us go 'wut?' In this episode, Manisha Kapoor, Secretary General of The Advertising Council Of India (ASCI) walks us through the creative process.

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What Did ChatGPT Do To Digital Marketing?

This isn't the first time marketing is most excited about a shiny new tool. And shiny, it is! Here's how we can and cannot use ChatGPT. Probably don't replace your entire marketing team just yet.

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Illustrations by Tanaya Parkhi. Content by, well, us.